The IMF Innovation Portal is the Fund’s collaborative innovation platform that aims to crowd source ideas from International Monetary Fund [“Fund”] employees and [invited] external participants in order to address challenges and leverage opportunities facing the institution (hereinafter referred to as IMF Innovation Portal or “the platform”).

By participating in the IMF Innovation Portal you agree to the following terms:

Behavior and Conduct

As you share ideas, comments and questions on the IMF Innovation Portal, participants are required to comply with the following:

- Be respectful of other participants. This includes showing sensitivity, respect and impartiality towards other cultures, beliefs, views, backgrounds and attributes such as gender, religion and sexual orientation.

- Refrain from posting personal attacks or accusations.

- Protect confidential information. The IMF Innovation Portal may be accessed by internal and external participants. Accordingly, all participants are required to take steps to protect the confidentiality of Fund information in accordance with the Fund’s rules and regulations.

- Adhere to business purpose. The IMF Innovation Portal is to be used solely for purposes of supporting the business goals and activities of the Fund. You may not post personal messages, advertising, spam, sensitive personal information, employment-related issues or other similar content.

- Do not reproduce content. To ensure the free flow of ideas and conversations, participants must not repost or share any contents of this platform, unless authorized.

Do not interfere with the system. Participants must not take any action which would interfere with the proper working of the platform, or which is intended to damage, interfere with, surreptitiously intercept or expropriate any system, data or personal information. You agree not to take any action (including without limitation, spamming) that imposes an unreasonable load on our infrastructure.

You agree not to take any actions which may undermine the integrity of the platform or the challenges such as: leaving feedback or ratings for yourself; uploading of files or content that contain material that violates the intellectual property rights of another.

IMF Innovation Portal administrators retain the right, in their sole discretion, to edit, remove or refuse to post submissions that are determined to be off-topic, illegal or otherwise inappropriate.

IMF Innovation Portal administrators also retain the right to delete, archive, block, hide, update all IMF Innovation Portal content including ideas, tags & user profiles as per valid administrative need or process. Posting rights may be withdrawn, without notice, from anyone who posts inappropriate or offensive content.

In participating on the IMF Innovation Portal platform, all participants are bound by all the Fund’s applicable rules and regulations, including the its anti-harassment policy, work place values and information security policy. Failure to comply with such obligations may amount to disciplinary action.

Challenge Administration

To participate in a challenge, please personalize your profile, subscriptions, notification and alerts on the IMF Innovation Portal platform Please also accept some automatic subscriptions, notifications and alerts as so as to receive timely updates of the challenge.

The challenge sponsor and the challenge evaluation panel will evaluate all submissions, and will decide on a winner/s. Such decisions are in the sole discretion of the challenge sponsor and the challenge evaluation panel, and are final and not subject to review.

Intellectual Property

You are solely responsible for the content of your information and postings on this platform. Do not post any material that is prohibited from being posted under law.
Do not post copyrighted material prepared by others unless: (a) you have written permission of the copyright owner to post the copyrighted material; or (b) you are sure that the use of any copyrighted material is permitted by the legal doctrine of “fair use”.
Please bear in mind that any information sourced from the Web may be subject to contractual “terms of use” imposed by the source website, and you are responsible for ensuring your compliance therewith.


By participating in the IMF Innovation Portal platform, you agree that the Fund may use any ideas you have submitted for its business purpose, without further consideration. Similarly, the Fund or the challenge sponsor has no obligation to use any of the submissions on the IMF Innovation Portal platform.

Unless stated otherwise in the challenge content, all postings constitute the property of the Fund. You may not reproduce, distribute, modify, create derivative works of, publicly display, republish, download, store or transmit any of the content on this platform.


While participants in some scenarios can have the option of posting “anonymously”, the participant’s identity will be known and monitored by the IMF Innovation Portal administrators. Those submitting comments on ideas will be identified by name within the IMF Innovation Portal system. All postings will be visible to IMF Innovation Portal participants who were invited to participate in the challenge. Operational logs will be maintained and monitored to confirm that the use of IMF Innovation Portal is in compliance with these Terms of Use.


The Fund does not assume responsibility for the accuracy of IMF Innovation Portal content or posting, nor does it offer any warranties as to any information posted on the IMF Innovation Portal platform.


The participant will indemnify and hold harmless the IMF, against any claim brought by a third party alleging that the participant's submission on its intellectual property. 


Limitation of Liability

By using the IMF Innovation Portal platform you agree that, to the fullest extent permitted under applicable law, none of the parties involved in creating, producing, or delivering this site is liable for any direct, incidental, consequential, indirect, or punitive damages, or any other losses, costs, or expenses or any kind which may arise, directly or indirectly, through the access to, use of, implementation of, or browsing of this site or through your downloading of any materials, data, text, images, video or audio from this site, including but not limited to anything caused by any viruses, bugs, or any computer system, phone line, hardware, software or program malfunctions, or any other errors, failures or delays in computer transmissions or network connections.

You acknowledge that by virtue of its Articles of Agreement, the International Monetary Fund, as an international organization, is immune from all forms of judicial process, and nothing on the IMF Innovation Portal platform or set forth herein shall constitute, or be deemed to constitute a waiver of such immunity.

By clicking the box below, you acknowledge and agree that all use by you of the Fund’s IMF Innovation Portal platform will, at all times, conform to these Terms of Use.

For questions about these Terms of Use, please contact the IMF Innovation Portal Team at:

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Challenge Stats (Logon first)

46 Submissions
680 Votes
750 Users