Q & A

How does the matchmaking work?

Please see process for matchmaking:

1. All proposals that have been screened are ‘live" or visible to public on the challenge website and are open for matchmaking.
2. Matchmaking can take place in two ways:

  • An individual applies to join a project by clicking on the ‘Apply to join’ button (visible only after logon) on the proposal page – this will send a message to the proposal submitter / owner to review the application. If the owner accepts the application, the applicant is added to the project team membership.
  • Two (or more) project proposals can merge or combine forces where ideas are similar or re-enforcing. The two teams would need to agree on a new proposal language and merge teams on the challenge website (we can remove the old proposals if needed).
  • Teams should independently connect with applicants and review skills, role & commitments prior to accepting members into the team.

3. Deadline for matchmaking and any final changes to the proposals is end of day January 31, 2020.
4. Only proposals that have at least one IMF employee in the project team can be shortlisted for the final stage and bootcamp.
5. The IMF will seek confirmation in writing from the managers / supervisors of the project team participants that they support the proposal and will allow the project team member to participate in the bootcamp, pitch event and proof-of-concept project (6-9 months).


Why is my proposal not visible to the public?

All submissions are screened for relevance, completeness and qualifying submitters. Any questions or issues will be sent via a private comment to the submitter by the topic moderator.  During the matchmaking phase the screened proposals are visible to the public.  Proposals are visible to submitters only once they log in.


What is the eligibility of my organization to participate?

Only country authorities, relevant civil society organizations and staff from the IMF and other International Financial Institutions (IFIs) are allowed to submit proposals.


Is collaboration with other organizations such as academia or private sector allowed?

Collaboration with other relevant organizations is encouraged. Team from academia or from private sector are permitted however submissions will need to come from relevant organizations only as listed.  All team members must be registered on the site and accept terms and conditions.


How many proposals are allowed for an organization to submit?

There are no limits however all proposals are screened for relevancy.


How much seed funding is available and how are funds distributed?

Seed funding will be provided on a case by case using a metered funding model based on project milestones.  Seed funding has ranged between 25-50K in the past. Note funding covers only valid project related costs such as data, compute power, expert resources etc. and does not imply a grant or a upfront lump sum.  

As a pre-condition of funding, project team must have an IMF employee on board.  


How will IMF employees join teams?

Once the top ideas are selected for the  phase 2 of the project, the fund staff will be invited to view the projects and apply to join project teams.


What information is required on the proposal?

The following information is required for submission, you can also browse submissions for examples:

Description - General background and description of your solution
Problem Statement - The problem your solution is addressig
Benefits - The key benefits of your solution
Work done already - What work has already been done by your team on project
Submitter Bio & Organization - Your bio and name of organisation you represent
Team Bio - Bio of your team
Support Required - What support is required should your project be selected


Who will do evaluate proposals?

An internal comittee comprising of departmental representatives will evaluate proposals according to the criteria in the challenge page:

Extensibility: Broad relevance and the opportunity for the solution to impact governance or anti-corruption work. Relevance is particularly determined by its practical usefulness to IMF staff and country authorities when engaging in capacity development or surveillance work.
Team composition: Team has the appropriate skills, diversity, knowledge, and readiness to facilitate solution-finding and implementation. At least one team member needs to be an IMF staff member to be shortlisted as a finalist (by end of Phase 2). Inter-organizational collaboration is encouraged.
Support: Commitment from respective managers and organizations is secured; and evidence that team members can make time to focus on the project.


For further querstions, please email INNOVATION@imf.org


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